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IB 视野下的终身学习者

作者:wdly   时间:2019-05-30


    国际文凭组织IB PYP小学项目幼儿阶段的教师要创建激起学习兴趣的学习空间,深入聆听学生的想法,并制定令孩子们跃跃欲试的探究路径。他们既要确保听取学生个人的想法、形成共同开展的调查,还要确保实现总体意图,要平衡地注意到各个方面。教师要运用各种策略、工具和理解与学生密切合作,共同构建探究活动并定期反思他们的实践。

因此,幼儿的学习之路无疑对从事PYP 教学的老师也提出了较高的要求,要求我们在成为IB 老师的第一天就不断学习,充实自己,成为终生学习者。

Teachers who specialize in early childhood development with the IB PYP Primary School Project, an International Diploma organization, should aim to create learning spaces that arouse a child’s interest in learning; they should listen to students' ideas and develop exploratory learning paths that make children eager to learn. They should listen to students' personal opinions on topics to help ensure the realization of the classes learning intentions. Early childhood teachers should use various creative strategies, tools and empathy to help them work closely with students to construct inquiry based activities and regularly reflect on what they have learned.. 

Therefore, with all this in mind, childhood development teachers have very high requirements in order to meet these standards, especially those engaged in PYP teaching. As such on the road of being an IB PYP teacher the teacher must always be learning themselves, in order to enrich not only their own life but the lives of their students..

一、 开拓国际视野,前瞻未来教育

我园王洛丹园长、IB课程协调员Holly 324-26日参加了在香港亚洲博览中心举办的2019IB 全球大会,本次大会吸引了全球IB教育专家、管理者及教育工作者及IB师生共计2000余人参与本次盛会,迎来了6个主旨演讲和120场分会场演讲。IB国际文凭组织现在已经在全球150个国家拥有了5000IB学校,我园也是于20186月成功授权为IB PYP 国际文凭组织的世界学校。

本次年会主题为“Generation IB”,大会从PYPMYPDPLeadershipHigher EducationResearchContinuumCross Programmes等多个分主题,围绕IB课程理念及内容、学生与教师发展、学校管理等方面,为参会者们带来了理论与实践分享的饕餮盛宴。

Last week, Principal Denise and PYP coordinator Holly Radovanic had the opportunity to attend the IB global conference 2019 in Hong Kong. There they had a chance to be inspired by high profile speakers, authors in the field of education, IB department heads, and leaders in education from around the world. The conference offered them a chance to meet, engage and share experiences with other IB educators and bring back new ideas for our IB program at Victoria Kindergarten. The week was spent learning from fellow practitioners, reflecting on our own practices and returning with inspiration and a renewed energy to our school, ready to take action.



While there, we were able to attend a variety of workshops specializing in a multitude of subjects concerning best practices in the field of education. The major theme of the conference regarding the PYP program was unpacking the new enhanced PYP that IB has updated and released. Child agency is one of the most important key proponents of the enhanced IB - putting the responsibility of learning in the hands of the child. We were able to attend sessions that specifically addressed how to plan for learning that is responsive and respectful of young children while promoting agency in all areas. We also attended several sessions on visible learning and different ways that we can help our students become more aware of how they learn and process information. Finally, we attended workshops that shared effective methods of collaboration and leadership within our learning communities so we can ensure that the children are receiving all the resources and support they need along their learning journey.



作为一名IB的教育工作者,我能参与本次IB全球大会觉得非常荣幸和充满了期待!通过本次大会的交流和学习开阔了自身的视野和眼界,身为IB PYP世界学校的园长,我更清晰了自己未来的使命和肩负的责任,我将继续为打造IB国际视野的课程有效在我园实施和有效促进孩子们全面发展而为之不懈努力。


It was three days filled with learning new knowledge, reflecting on practices, and developing new and innovative ways we can improve our pedagogical methods here at Suzhou Victoria Kindergarten. We are looking forward to some exciting changes and growth on our campus thanks to this stimulating conference and we believe our students, teachers, and parents will feel the same as we continue to share what we have learned with our community.


二、 Making PYP happen ”中文教师专项工作坊。. Make PYP happen Chinese Teachers Workshop

 参加Making PYP happen ”专项工作坊是所有IB学校老师的必经之路。两天的工作坊中,老师们不断接收新名词、新概念:从“学习者特征”到“全球公民素养”,从“学生的能动性和行动力”到“全纳性的学习环境与空间”,传统教学理念与IB 相关理念在不断的碰撞中被整合、消化、吸收。

Participation in the Make PYP happen workshop is necessity for all IB school teachers. During the two-day workshop, teachers are constantly learning about new terms and concepts: from "learner characteristics" to "global citizenship literacy", from "students 'initiative and motivation" to "inclusive learning environment and space". Traditional teaching concepts and IB-related concepts are integrated together to help bridge the gap between these two methods.

杨金萍: IB作为国际性的课程,1B课程只是给出了大的柜架。作为老师,我们要时刻关注大的方向,做好超学科、跨学科主题的开展。我们每节课都要加入五大要素:知识、概念、技能、态度和行动。在八大概念中每节课都要涉及到至少一个,形式、功能、原因、变化、连系、观点、责任、反思。与IB理念最主要的是融合,用IB的语言和关键词,在一个学期用一部分时间去探究一个领域或一个超学科。

Cassie: IB as an international course and as its teachers, we should always pay attention to the major themes within that discipline and do our best to develop its interdisciplinary themes. I learned that in every class we have to add five elements: knowledge, concept, skill, attitude and action. Each lesson plan should involve some of the eight concept, form, function, reason, change, connection, viewpoint, responsibility and reflection. The most important thing is to integrate with the IB concepts, using its core language and key words and to explore a field of study within a semester


王欢:经过本次培训,我了解了很多IB的理论知识,也解决了许多之前课程中产生的疑问与不解。在IBPYP(小学项目)课程中,更侧重“育人”,让孩子从小就养成良好的技巧和习惯。小学课程的核心不仅是学习重要知识,同时还要帮助孩子形成对重要概念的理解、完成学习所需的积极态度、掌握基本的知识和技能、并采取负责的行动。对我来讲,很多课都是新的,老师要不断学习。Jockey: After this training, I learned a lot about IB theory, and also solved many questions I had in previous courses. In the IBPYP (Primary School Project) curriculum, more emphasis is laid on "educating people", so that children can develop good skills and habits from an early age. The core of a primary school curriculum is not only to learn important knowledge, but also to help children form a positive attitude towards understanding important concepts, completing learning, mastering basic knowledge and skills, and taking responsible actions. For me, many  of the topics were new so as a teacher I will to keep learning



Lillian: Through this training, I realize that for new teachers, it is necessary to guide children through continuous learning. In the IB education system, the way of teaching is to hope that children can improve their understanding of human social conditions and find the commonness of experience amongst different cultures, organizations and groups by exploring different study themes. At the same time, these thematic inquiry units can also incorporate relevant knowledge of language, mathematics, art and sports, so that they can think beyond superficial knowledge. This training let me have a deeper understanding of IB inquiry. I know that IB is not only learning important knowledge, but also helping children form a positive attitude towards important concepts, complete learning, mastering basic knowledge and skills, and take action


三、 中英文语言相互学习,让沟通更顺畅。3. Learning Chinese and English languages from each other in order to improve bi-lingual communication in Victoria.



 Dont say I am a boy , you are too old ! 瞧,我们的外教老师认真起来也很霸气呢!

Since the beginning of this semester, the school has provided teachers with special in-house "Chinese" and "English" learning. This will undoubtedly give teachers more professional language guidance, more learning opportunities, more authentic language use and the chance to practice their own second language skills for better communication.. 

"This is a lot of salt, this dish is too salty." “这个很多盐,这个菜太盐了” Examples of what our foreign teacher's are learning in Chinese, although the levels of Chinese language differs amongst our staff, they have a great time learning. 

Don't say "I am a girl", you are too old! Look, our English teacher for the Chinese teachers is very aggressive with his teaching style.