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大班新闻报道:大班《我们是谁》社会实践 双语

作者:wdly   时间:2019-05-20

K3 PYP主题探究“我们是谁”—用行动践行对“社区中的榜样”的探究K3 PYP Theme Exploration of "Who Are We"--Exploration of "Role Models in the Community"




The opening of this theme is our exploration of the nature of self: all kinds of interpersonal relationships: family and friends, community and culture; power and responsibility. Our central idea of inquiry: role models in communities.


In order to understand the professions of different individuals in the community, the children left the school to visit and experience different places of work to get a more in-depth and hands on approach to learning about the different occupations within the community and the staff that work in these places.  




K3A go to Minsheng Bank to get a "Small Bankers" Tour


Before going, the children only knew one thing about a bank: that there was a lot of money in it, but they didn't know where that money comes from and how the works to serve its customers. From the moment the children entered the bank premises the staff were incredible enthusiastic to show them all they could about the inner workings of Minsheng Bank. The children listened attentively, and from time to time they asked their own questions about life in a Bank. Then the children were given the chance to count money along with the staff and for their help they were presented with a wonderful gift. 




第一站——参观酒店大堂、餐吧、总台,酒店副总经理介绍酒店品牌故事及基本信息!K3C go to Liverpool International Conference Center


As the teacher of K3C led the children into the hotel, Liverpool International Convention Center, they were instantly welcomed by the staff there and under their leadership the children went deep into various departments to learn the secrets of working in a hotel and to experience the hotels high-quality facilities and services.


The first stop is to visit the hotel lobby, dining bar and reception desk. The deputy general manager of the hotel introduces the hotel brand, its history and information regarding the hotel






这么丰富的游学内容,孩子们在参观中一定会有很多疑问,酒店工作人员都在参观过程中一一解答!孩子们知道了酒店这个行业出现的原因,一家酒店的运作,酒店里都有哪些职位等等,让孩子开阔眼界,增长见闻!The second stop is to visit the hotel rooms and watch how the maids go about cleaning the rooms, the hotel manager gives them a detailed guide of what the maids most do on a daily basis. 


The third stop is to visit the hotel's Chinese restaurant and learn about the work the chefs put into the meals for their guests.


The fourth stop - Into the conference room, to show the students that a hotel is not just a place for rest but for many, also a place for work!


The fifth stop - The hotel prepared some nutritious snacks for the children, while explaining proper dining etiquette, as to teach the children how to be a most civilized diner. _________


With such rich content, the children had a lot of questions during their visit, and hotel were more than happy to answer all of their questions. As such they now know the reason why the hotel industry appeared, the operation of a hotel, what positions are there in the hotel and so on, the children were able to experience something they may not have been able to in their own normal lives, they had the chance to broaden their horizons and increase their knowledge! 





  社会实践活动缤纷了孩子们的学习生活,此次活动,孩子们不仅了解了服务员的工作内容,还让幼儿体验了他们工作的辛苦,知道了要节约粮食不浪费,懂得尊重他人的劳动成果,更让幼儿接触了社会、增长了见识。K3D- Visit a Restaurant


The children were led by their teachers to the restaurant that was opened by one of their classmates’ mother .


Entering the restaurant, the children were instantly attracted by the interior decoration. Then the chef of the restaurant gave them an introduction to life within the food and beverage industry He also talked about his daily work as he demonstrated for the children how to properly clean a table and set the tableware. The children watched and listened carefully, and also carried out their own practical work. Finally, we visited the kitchen of the restaurant and learned how the chef knew what customers ordered.


Social practice activities can have an incredible enriching experience in a child’s life, such activities can help them see how different people in society work for a living and gives them the ability to be removed from their own social bubble. Visiting a restaurant can show them life at the other side of the kitchen, where people work hard for their customers, it also shows them the work people do in such an industry and teaches them not to waste others work. 



在秘蜜餐厅,小朋友们开心的体验参观了秘蜜后厨,吧台和花店。对厨师,咖啡师,甜品师以及花艺师的工作有了进一步了解。小朋友还对姜来妈妈进行了采访,并得到一一的解答。K3E - Mimi Restaurant, Flower Shop 


On this trip the children had a pleasant experience visiting Mimi Chef, Bar and Flower Shop and were able to further their understanding of the work of chefs, coffee makers, bakers and florists. The children also interviewed Jiang Lai's mother and got answers to their numerous questions.











段泽轩:我很喜欢这里的植物,以后我要当设计师,设计出更漂亮的餐厅!Fang Zeyu: I want to be a waiter, because I like carrying things very much! 



Hu Xiwen: Why is milk be put in coffee and how can you make such beautiful patterns with the milk?


—— Jiang Lai's mother answered: This pattern is called flower pulling. It was a coffee maker who found milk and coffee taste good together. You have to practice many times to put such patterns on a coffee.



Yin Zechen: Why did you put plants on the ceiling, is it real?


—— Jiang Lai's mother answered: Because this is a garden restaurant, and yes, all the plants are real!



Duan Zexuan: I like the plants here very much. I want to be a designer and design a more beautiful restaurant in the future.


大五班--登特口腔K3E – A visit to the Dentist

在口腔医院满满妈妈给小朋友讲了关于牙齿的知识,小朋友还进到了无菌室,参观了牙医给病人治牙齿的地方,看到了有喷水、有吸口水、有磨牙的各种工具。满满妈妈还仔细得教给小朋友刷牙的方法。In the Dentist’s office, the children got to meet their classmates Mother, who told them about her knowledge of teeth, she also took the children to the sterile room, and visited the dentists room where she treats her patients there they saw a sprinkler, a suction machine and a variety of tools for tooth care. After this she instructed them on how to brush their teeth.




——满满妈妈:医生都是医科大学毕业,通过7年的系统学习后再到大医院里跟着很厉害的老一辈的医生进行临床实习,学习本领。成为合格的一个医生需要8年的时间。牙齿是人体第一个消化食物的器官,保护好它就可以保护身体其它器官的健康。(很多都是病从口入)Babies also have a lot of problems:


Zong Fan Jinqian: Where did you go to learn your skills about teeth?


—— Man Man Mom: Doctors are graduates from medical universities. After seven years of study, they will go to a large hospital to practice with the more experienced doctors and to hone the skills they have learned. It takes eight years to become a qualified doctor. The tooth is the first digestive organ of the human body. Protecting it can protect the health of other organs of the body.



张依宸:为什么你们选择牙医这个职业?Why did you choose to become a Dentist?

——满满妈妈:因为牙医可以帮助很多牙齿不好的人修理好牙齿,从小朋友到老年人,都需要牙医。阿姨看过最小年龄的牙患者是2岁半,最大的是99岁。Mom: Because dentists can help many people with bad teeth, from children to the elderly, dentists are always needed. My youngest patient is 2 and a half years old, the oldest is 99 years old.



杨迦棋:无菌室用来干什么的?Yang Jiaqi: What is the aseptic room for?


——满满妈妈:无菌室是用来放置消过毒的物品,每个来的患者都会有自己的一套新物品. The sterile room is used to place sterilized products. Every patient will have his own new set of new items.



SCARLETT FENG: Why do doctors like this job?


—— Man Man Mom: Because after helping patients solve their problems, they will feel a great sense of achievement!



大五班--英语课堂Big Five Classes--English Class


Li Yiyan's mother warmly welcomed the children and introduced the role of each room to them in both English and Chinese. The children also experienced an English class for themselves and learned how to be an English teacher. The children knew that as an English teacher, they need good English skills and a lot of preparation before class.



——李奕旸妈妈答:是的,我很喜欢。 In view of the profession of English teachers, the children also raised some questions: 


Jiang Zitong: Did you want to be an English teacher when you were a child?


—— Li Yiyan's mother answered: Yes, since middle school, my English was very good at that time so I wanted to be an English teacher when I grew up.



Xiao Chenxi: Are you tired of this job?


—— Li Yiyan's mother answered: Everyone gets a little tired of their job, and now I am tired when I do anything.


Liu Chen Xuan: Are you happy with your career?


—— Li Yiyan's mother answered: Of course, I am very happy, because I like what I do very much.



Chen Yiheng: Do you like this type of job?


—— Li Yiyan's mother answered: Yes, I like it very much.