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作者:wdly   时间:2019-02-28


江苏省幼儿园课程游戏化所主张的“聚焦儿童的积极性、主动性、创造性”与我园IB PYP的国际课程理念所倡导的“积极探究、勤于思考、勇于尝试、敢于冒险”的学习者特征不谋而合。作为湖西二片区民办园主要代表,我园王园长就“幼儿园课程游戏化中的行与思”给来自园区200余位的区教育局领导、各园园长、老师们做了现场分享。园区教育局葛虹局长在听完王园长的分享后,进一步了解了我园先进的课程理念,更对我园在探究课程中充分利用各方资源支持幼儿探究给予充分肯定,对于我园资源建设中至关重要的“资源库建设”给予高度认可,并用“最有内涵的资源地图”来形容我园所展示的资源地图。


On the morning of February 28th, the game-based Kindergarten curriculum for Suzhou Industrial Park promoted a series of activities of "Baiyuan Qi Opening" in new kindergartens. This month, the tour was sponsored by the Huxi District, where our Kindergarten is located, and the Xinjia Kindergarten.


Jiangsu Kindergarten curriculum for play advocates "focusing on children's enthusiasm, initiative and creativity", which coincides with the characteristics of learner profiles promoted through the IB PYP's international curriculum concept of "active exploration, diligent thinking, daring to try and dare to take risks".

 As the main representative of private kindergartens in the two areas of Huxi, Principle Denise Wang of Suzhou Victoria Kindergarten shared with more than 200 leaders of the District Education bureau, heads of schools and teachers on the topic of "action and thinking in a game based curriculum". Director Ge Hong of the Bureau of Education said that after listening to Principle Wang’s speech he further understood the advanced curriculum concept we have at Victoria. He then told us that he fully affirmed that our school has made incredible use of our resources to support children's learning in an inquiry based curriculum, giving high recognition to the various resources we implement here within the school to support our children in their learning.


活动现场,除了园长的精彩分享,我园穆副园长、课程协调员王老师还参与了“谈材料、话资源”圆桌论坛现场展示活动,与来自湖西二片区的各园业务园长就现场观摩的幼儿游戏进行深入探讨,向全区幼教人展示我们如何践行 “改造教师的专业知识和能力结构”。这一现场研讨展示活动也让园区教师发展中心的周隽琰主任不禁感叹:这样的现场研讨不再是单纯的课程故事分享,而是能够通过老师们集体研讨,梳理经验,提炼具有指导意义的策略,指导教师们的游戏组织,让课程游戏化的每一步都走得无比坚定。

In addition to the informative speech given by Principle Wang; Vice-President Selina Mu also participated in the round table discussion of "Talking about materials and talking about resources". In which she discussed along with the Heads of Kindergartens from West Lake on her  in school observations of children's games, in which she displayed her knowledge by showing the kindergarten teachers in attendance how to practice the theory of "transformation of teachers 'professional knowledge and ability structure". 。 Director Zhou Junyan of the Teacher Development Center of the Kindergarten praised that this type of on-the-spot discussion is no longer a simple sharing of curriculums, but now can show teachers how to implement new strategies into their own classrooms through teachers 'collective discussion, experience sharing, refining instructive strategies and guiding teachers' through game based learning concepts..


The course itself is an indispensable stepping stone to developing a game-based curriculum. In this meeting, 12 key teachers in our kindergarten also showed their own ideas in the construction of a game-based curriculum to teachers in the region. In line with the teaching concept of "children are ahead, teachers are behind", teachers in our kindergarten make observations and notes about our student’s lives writing teachers diaries.

 通过参与本次“游戏童年联盟“活动,与联盟姐妹园的分享交流,维多利亚人在充分展示先进课程理念、有效资源建设的同时,也看到了来自不同园所的亮点。相信通过此次论坛的思想碰撞,我们一定能汲取更多,让我们在IB PYP 探究课程及课程游戏化的道路上越走越好!正如我园王园长在分享的结尾所展望的那样:“路漫漫其修远兮,我们从课程游戏化的边缘逐渐走向深入,从耳畔徐徐传来的课程游戏化之音到坚定追随自由、自主、愉悦的游戏精神,勇往直前,思行合一。我们将继续更新理念,完善活动,挖掘资源,以游戏为基本活动,让游戏精神携裹着儿童原发性的生命力快乐进发!”

 Through participating in the "Play Childhood Alliance" activities and sharing with the Alliance Kindergartens, Victoria Suzhou fully demonstrated the advanced curriculum concept and effective resource constructions we implement in our school, but we also gained knowledge and insight from other schools and their teaching methods. I believe that through the ideological collision of ‘sharing to learn’, we can absorb more knowledge and guidance from others who are passionate about child education!

 As Principle Wang said at the end of her speech "It's a long way to go. We are gradually moving from the edge of a game-based curriculum into the depths as we further our knowledge and understanding of teaching young learners. We follow the idea that the spirit of freedom in schools can lead to education for pleasure and not only learning for the sake of learning. So we will go forward bravely and think and act as one. We will continue to renew our ideas, improve our activities, tap resources, take games as basic activities for learning, and let the spirit of games carry children into a lifelong passion for education "