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基于超学科PYP主题融合STEAM项目式学习-住宅 Where we are in place and time - Homes

作者:wdly   时间:2022-04-14



Where we are in place and time - Homes

亲爱的爸爸、妈妈,伙伴们,伴随着新年的悄然而至,中班组超学科主题“我们身处什么时空 ”在孩子们依依不舍的探究中迎来了尾声,在这一主题中,我们都有哪些不一样的收获呢?来,我们一起回顾一下吧!

With the arrival of the New Year our Unit of Inquiry, which allowed children the engaging exploration of “Where we are in Place and Time” has come to an end. In this unit, what did we learn?


导入 Tuning in

我的家My Home


We asked our students to make videos showing the different parts of their home and describing each parts functions, before uploading their videos on Toddle Student.

The children talked to each other about what a home is. What does a home have? Why do we need a home?



Finding out


Children learned about houses in different regions and cultures,the different functions of homes and the ways they have changed over time. They were curious about the architects of the animal world and tried to make small animal homes.


梳理 Sorting out


Children learned about houses all over the world. They learned that houses are made of different materials, such as: grass houses, stone houses and mud houses. A new question emerged: What materials are used to build the houses we live in? Children recorded the steps we need to build house (leveling land, laying foundations, building beams and columns, building buildings, roofing, decorating interiors) by drawing pictures.


延伸  Going further


Gaudi drew his inspiration from nature and his style was unique and daring. He found that everything has its own form and structure; some were suitable for architecture, while others were suitable for decorating. He used his imagination and creativity to build a house. In this activity, the kids learned about Gaudi and his architectural style. They tried to apply curves to the design of their houses and learned about mosaic decorating, which required an understanding of basic colour matching techniques. This allowed them to feel the unique beauty of Gaudi's architectural style and learn to appreciate, respect and tolerate the diverse cultures of the world.





The children gained a variety of knowledge about housing throughout this unit of inquiry, and also raised many questions: How do we build a strong house?, Why do houses change? Will the future of housing change? With these questions, the children partook in various small experiments and lectures to explore, verify and share.



行动 Taking action



At the end of the unit, students reported, shared, and demonstrated their gains and growth to their parents through a student led conference. They reflected on what they have learned and independently chose a subject focus from the unit, such as: mathematics, art, language, sociology, etc. The teachers designed games based on the core concepts of the unit, and worked to divide areas and distribute materials. Finally, parents were invited to come to the kindergarten to accompany their child to attempt different games, make use of various materials and learning spaces, and confidently introduce and share the knowledge and understanding they have gained over this unit. The student-led conference allowed students to actively display and demonstrate the results of their learning over this unit.
