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拥抱春天 播种希望

作者:wdly   时间:2022-03-29

春回大地,万象更新,又是一年芳草绿,祖国大地处处呈现出一派生机盎然的景象。花儿开了,小草绿了,一年一度的3.12 植树节又沐浴着春风来到了。


Spring returns to the earth with everything renewed, it is another year that our motherland presents a vibrant scene everywhere. Flowers are blooming, the grass turns green, and the annual Tree-planting Day is here. Tree-planting Day, a festival set for green and the environment, that allows us to have more care for nature and more love for green trees.




On the day of this event, in order to let the babies of Victoria Kindergarten increase their love for plants, enhance their awareness of environmental protection, and become a global citizen who are "caring", we invited Principal Denise to give children various knowledge about plants.



To enable children to personally experience the process and fun of participating in planting, learn to carefully observe, recognize and record the growth process of plants, and cultivate the emotion of concern and care for life, on the occasion of the event, we advocate that children and parents discover the various plants around them and understand the origin of Tree-planting Day.


"The plan of the year is spring." Spring is the season of everything growing, and the grass gently pushes away the soil, and feels the breath of spring. The flowers are sprouting and embellishing the spring. See! Children are also planting their new hope.


通过这次植树节的活动, 激发了孩子们爱绿、护绿、亲绿的热情,美化了环境,美化了心灵,在孩子们的成长轨迹中留下美好的印记。让孩子们在参与养护管理的过程中,丰富了知识,提高观察能力,也进一步激发了幼儿对大自然的喜爱之情。希望通过本次植树节主题活动,让保护环境的意识在小朋友们的心中慢慢发芽长大,愿我们的地球充满绿色的希望,更加朝气蓬勃,到处都是美丽的色彩。Through this Tree-planting Day activity, it has stimulated the children's enthusiasm for loving and protecting the greenery. This opportunity enables children’s development in beautifying the environment as well as the soul. In the process of participating in conservation management, the children enriched their knowledge, improved their observation ability, and further stimulated their love for nature. I hope that through this Tree-planting Day theme activity, the awareness of protecting the environment will slowly sprout and grow up in the hearts of children, and may our earth be full of green hope, more vigorous, and full of beautiful colours.