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Who we are—All About Me

作者:wdly   时间:2021-12-03



  Who we areAll About Me 

Just as there are no two identical leaves in the world, there are no two identical people. In this world.Each of us is unique, and each "I" is not only a unique "I", but also a growing and changing "I".The children of K1 have entered the collective life of kindergarten from family life. They are beginning  to understand that everyone has their own name and mark. They found that they are different from others:Everyone has different emotions I like this, you don't like it, Where do I come from?, When I grow up, I am different from when I was a child. With a series of questions, we began to explore ourselves. Let's start our learning journey together -  to understand the world, we start by exploring ourselves.



Lines of Inquiry 1:Physical and emotional attributes.


Take a look and discuss

We guided children to gain a preliminary understanding of their own appearance by looking in the mirror. Children felt and observed the characteristics of their facial features from the mirror, and found that everyone looks different.

Stick and draw

Student made a collage of their facial features, creating a "special me". They further felt the characteristics and components of their facial features,and understood that our faces are composed of: eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth and ears, with each part being very important.

Taste and do

We designed different sensory games, such as: looking through the kaleidoscope, listening to different sounds, smelling different smells, tasting various tastes, exploring the role of the five senses. Students also found that their facial features can make a variety of expressions, and different expressions convey different emotions, which was interesting.

Read and move

By reading the picture book ‘From Head to Toe’, children begin to explore the characteristics of their bodies. What are the parts of your body? What actions can you do? Let's compare and see who does it better. In addition, the combination of gymnastics and rhythm allowed children to feel the role of different parts of their body and experience the fun of exploring their body in music games.

appy sports and healthy life 

At the parent-child Sports Day students felt their growth, experiencing the happy sports spirit in a variety of interesting parent-child games. Every child was confident and proud to show that they had the courage to try and develop in an all-round way.


Lines of Inquiry  2:Likes and dislikes.


Preference survey

Focussing on "likes and dislikes", the class carried out a big survey of preference: What do you like to eat?, What do you like to do?, What don't you like? Their answers were very rich and interesting. We found that everyone has their own likes and dislikes, and everyone has their own reasons for them. Everyone is unique.

My favorite colors and shapes

We shared our favorite colors and shapes, and created our own unique artworks.

My favorite fruit

Different fruits have different flavors. Which one do you like to eat? We brought the fruits we like to school, and shared the deliciousness with our friends.


Lines of Inquiry  3:Different abilities and interests promote different development. 


I have grown up

We measured and compared heights, compared clothes from during our infancy, and discover the secrets of body changes.

Teeth protection

We love our teeth and learned the correct way to brush our teeth.

I have great skills

We have learned a lot of skills at kindergarten: eating by ourselves, dressing, going to the bathroom, carrying school bags, cleaning up toys… everyone is great!

Career aspirations

What kind of person do you want to be when you grow up? We played different pretend jobs which was really fun!






现在很会交朋友,喜欢 和其他人交流。画画有了明显进步。对别人很有爱心,特别关爱别人。“我”这个概念已经形成,会拿自己去跟别人比较,喜欢迎接挑战,更自信了!比以前更愿意表现自己,能在大家面前大声唱歌了。







