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作者:wdly   时间:2021-08-10

科学防疫 从我做起






Dear parents and friends,

Hello! The current epidemic situation is severe and complex, and prevention and control cannot be relaxed! Adhere to good personal hygiene habits such as frequent hand washing, wearing masks, frequent ventilation, and less gathering. Seek medical treatment promptly if symptoms such as fever and dry cough occur. Actively vaccinate against COVID-19. Avoid non-essential travel and refrain from going to medium- and high-risk areas. When entering public places, actively cooperate with prevention and control measures such as wearing masks, checking codes, measuring temperature, and keep a one meter distance.

The prevention and control of the epidemic is related to the health and safety of each of us and the society, and the health of children needs our joint protection. Let us be the first person responsible for our own health, strictly abide by the regulations and requirements of epidemic prevention and control at all levels, and join hands to escort the health and safety of children. At the same time, let us look forward to a beautiful reunion in the new semester.