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作者:wdly   时间:2021-04-22

4月23日“世界读书日”,从小培养孩子对阅读的兴趣,养成良好的阅读习惯,让孩子爱读书,勤读书,乐读书,对孩子的成长与发展都显得尤为重要 阅读对人成长的影响是巨大的,“腹有诗书气自华”,一本好书往往能改变人的一生。多年来,我们一直希望能够为孩子们打造一个优质的阅读环境,帮助孩子们将阅读渗透进自己的生活,养成良好的阅读习惯,享受阅读带给我们的快乐!


On April 23, World Reading Day, we renew our commitment cultivate children’s interest in reading. It is especially important for children to have the intrinsic motivation to read because reading habits is a great predictor of healthy growth and development. Indeed, a good book can often change one’s life. Over the years, we have been hoping to create a high-quality reading environment for children, help them keep reading in their lives, develop good reading habits, and enjoy the happiness brought by reading!

Today, our Victoria campus has also launched engaging activities to encourage everyone to actively participate in reading.

挑战200分钟阅读马拉松200-Minute Reading Challenge


Students are encouraged to participate in the challenge to read for 200 minutes, loggining their hours. Any type of book is acceptable, including comics and picture books, and students can read anywhere. Anyone can do it!

图书交换,以书会友 Book Exchange


Students use communication and social skills to exchange books, and hopefully make a new friend through sharing books.

园长妈妈进班讲故事 Reading Time


Parents have been coming to classrooms periodically and not only reading a book but applying a related, fun activity to do with the kids. This has showed kids that reading can be fun and interactive.

老师们的图书分享会Teacher’s Book Sharing Meeting


Teacher’s share their experience and thoughts about books they have found to be special.

FM 91.1苏州991家长会


Principal Denise attended a radio show to not only discuss the importance of reading but also of creating an environment that maximizes children’s interest and natural curiosity to read.


Books can be as dear friends. Let us make sure students have all the books they could want and set them up for a bright, successful future!