Safety First Game
户外运动安全的重要性 The Importance of Outdoor Safety 游戏是儿童成长的“精神植被”,让孩子接触户外自然,体验户外活动的快乐,是幼儿园活动中的一个重要环节。但户外活动存在着许多不安全的因素,孩子往往只顾玩的开心,不能很好地分辨安全与否,当处于危险之中时,也缺乏保护自己的能力。那么如何培养幼儿在户外活动中的安全意识呢?让我们一起走进9月安全健康主题活动——操场上的安全。 Though games are an engaging way to get students to learn and can allow them to be outside in the fresh air, it is always important to prioritize safety. So how do we cultivate children's safety awareness in outdoor activities? This is what the September Safety and Health Theme Event is about - Safety on the Playground.
First of all, in response to this safety theme, the Victoria Security Group's teachers, actively discuss the various links and material preparation, refine to every detail, and really let the children benefit from the action.
For outdoor sports equipment, a small daily check, the principle of a weekly check, Victoria kindergarten seriously pay attention to the development of early childhood sports and safety attention, for the park facilities in a timely manner to find, timely adjustment, timely improvement, and dangerous objects in a timely manner to do a good warning label reminder. Always keep safety first in mind.
活动前老师和幼儿一起观看了《操场上的安全》活动准备,小朋友积极参与其中,分析哪些东西能玩?怎样玩?以及活动中容易出现的危险情况。共同讨论应该如何正确使用,才不会出现危险。我们从幼儿户外安全活动视频,以引起幼儿注意,提高他们的安全意识,避免危险事情的发生。 Second, the class organized safety and health activities in an orderly manner. Before the event teacher and young children watched the "safety on the playground" activities preparation, children actively participate in it, analysis of what can play? How do I play? What are dangerous activites? Discuss together how to use it correctly so that there is no danger. We have a video for the kids.
我们在行动!Children in action!
其次,小朋友参与“安全小卫士”搜寻操场上的危险,并能大胆与同伴介绍如何正确使用这些器械。大班的小朋友还用小标记,温馨提醒弟弟妹妹游戏中要保护自己。 Second, children participate in the "safety guard" to search the playground for dangers, and can boldly and peer to show how to use these devices correctly. The children of the big class also use small markers to warmly remind younger brothers and sisters to protect themselves in the game.
The dangers of life, I know
当然,户外安全教育也离不开家长的配合,维多利亚的小朋友和家长们个个化身“安全小卫士”,在家中也寻找了一番危险的区域和物品。希望这样高度的契合,能够为孩子的健康成长提供双重保障。 Of course, outdoor safety education can not be separated from the cooperation of parents, Victoria's children and parents each insanity "safety guard", in the home also looked for some dangerous areas and items. It is hoped that such a high degree of fit can provide double protection for the healthy growth of children.
幼儿户外活动的安全意识,并不是一天就能形成的,这是一个长期的过程, 我们的老师将户外安全知识每天贯穿在一日活动的各个环节,渐渐让幼儿明白户外活动中什么事情是可以做的,什么事情是危险的不能做的
Children's outdoor safety awareness is a long-term process, our teachers will give outdoor safety knowledge throughout the day activities and gradually let young children understand what can be done in outdoor activities, what is dangerous and not allowed.
This outdoor safety education activity has a remarkable effect, establishing the awareness of child safety and self-care at the same time, strengthening safety management and safety education, to provide a safe and comfortable environment for teachers and young children to grow up.