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温馨提示----季节交替 防疾病

作者:wdly   时间:2018-05-19

 温馨提示----季节交替 防疾病

Warm Reminder - Disease Prevention during seasonal changes


Due to the rain in recent days, resulting in large temperature changes, the common cold has been going around. And in addition to common symptoms, such as sore throat, nasal congestion, runny nose, body aches, and fever, others have reported gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. The cold is called a "gastrointestinal flu" and is caused by a virus called Coxsackie and is often accompanied with a bacterial infection. Gastrointestinal flu is also known as “vomiting flu." Its main symptoms are: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, and even several defecations a day. The body feels weak and can lead to dehydration. Electrolyte levels in the body are put in disarray and the immune system is damaged. If the symptoms are severe, you should immediately go to the hospital for rehydration treatment.



喝水,忌食生冷,多吃易消化的食物;饭后忌剧烈运动,做到到房间空气流通。 所以春夏交替时节,家长要细心照顾,了解以下春夏交替幼儿注意事项。

Seasonal change is peak time for gastrointestinal flu, especially the time between spring and summer. Special attention should be paid to the occurrence of gastrointestinal flu. Prevention of gastrointestinal flu is actually very simple: pay attention to food cleanliness, stay well hydrated, avoid raw and cold foods, and eat more easily digestible food; avoid strenuous exercise after meals, and keep your living quarters well-ventilated. Therefore, in the transition from spring to summer, parents should pay special attention to the following.

1、穿衣:给孩子准备一件小外套 ,幼儿穿衣不要太多也不宜少,特别是一周岁以上的孩子开始喜欢运动,穿得过多就容易出汗,出汗时毛孔张开开,若遇到冷风,很容易造成感冒;而幼儿适当少穿一些,感觉有些冷,全身的毛孔都是收缩、紧闭的,运动后也不容易出汗。   


1. Clothing: Prepare a light jacket for children. Children should not wear too much nor too little. Children who are over one year old start to enjoy exercise, and if they too much, they sweat easily. When they sweat, their pores open, and if they encounter a cold wind, they may catch cold; whereas young children who wear less, might feel cold, their pores shrink and tighten, and they have trouble sweating after exercise.

The correct method: prepare a light coat for the child, if it's hot, they can take it off, if it's cool they can put it on. As for adding clothes, parents should adhere to this principle: "On a cold day, wear one more layer than adults. On a hot day, wear one less layer than adults."


 2、饮食:春天是各种蔬菜、水果上市的季节,在饮食发方面要少吃反季节的蔬菜水果,除此之外尽量少吃油类,脂肪,高蛋白食物,适当给幼儿吃鱼、虾、猪肉、牛肉等食物,做到均衡摄入营养。另外,还要给幼儿多吃富含维生素D的食品,如蛋、奶、生物肝、海产品等 。

2. Diet: Spring is the season when many different fruits and vegetables become available. We should avoid eating foods that are out of season. In addition, we should try to eat less oily food, fatty food, and high-protein foods. Provide children a reasonable amount of fish, shrimp, pork, beef and other foods, to provide a well-balanced diet. In addition, children should be given more foods rich in vitamin D, such as eggs, milk, liver, and seafood.


 3、多给幼儿补充水分 :天气逐渐变热,一定要让幼儿多喝水,幼儿不爱喝水,可以适当给幼儿喝一点果汁,给幼儿做汤,如紫菜汤、西红柿蛋汤、水果汁等为幼儿补充水分。但是不宜用各种饮料代替白开水。各种饮料,如汽水、果汁、可乐等,由于含较多的糖分机电解质,宝宝过多摄入,会影响其食欲和消化功能,而且过多糖分也会使宝宝发胖,而且过多地吃糖或甜食会消耗宝宝体内的钙和维生素D。 

3, Keep children well-hydrated: As the weather gradually becomes hotter, we must make the children drink plenty of water, and if they do not want water, we can provide a reasonable amount of juice, or soup, such as seaweed soup, tomato soup, and fruit juice, to keep them well-hydrated. However, it is not appropriate to replace boiled water with any kind of drink or beverage. Beverages, such as soft drinks, fruit juices, cola, etc., due to excessive sugar and electrolytes, will affect their appetite and digestive function, and the excess sugar can lead to obesity and remove calcium and vitamin D from your child's body.



4, Wiping away sweat: Sports provide exercise for kids, improving their immune systems, but after exercise, children sweat and feel cold. Please remove a layer of clothing before exercise, and quickly wipe away sweat afterwards and also put a layer of clothes back on afterwards. Later on, they should wash their face and take a bath. Do not remove their clothes until after you wipe away their sweat.



5, Try to avoid densely populated areas and crowded public places in order to reduce the risk of catching contagious diseases.


6. Educate children to pay attention to the circulation of air in their homes and preventing catching airborne illnesses. Make sure to wash hands with running water and soap before meals and after going to the bathroom. Due to the hot weather, food spoils quickly. Fruits should be washed and peeled, vegetables should be washed, and a small amount of garlic and vinegar can be added to increase appetite, promote digestion, and kill germs.



We hope that Victoria's children will grow up healthy and happy, and keep their bodies strong!