早点 牛奶 Milk 曲奇 Cookie 小蛋糕 cake 午餐 红烧羊肉 Braised Lamb 蒜蓉肉末蒸冬瓜 Steamed Melon with Garlic Minced Pork 香菇青菜 Mushrooms and vegetables 黑米饭 Black rice 汤soup: 山药土豆牛尾汤 Yam Potato Oxtail Soup 午点/水果 肉松面包 Pork Floss Bread Sydney 雪梨苹果汁 Apple Juice ▶▶▶▶ 特殊儿童菜谱 牛奶忌口替换物橙汁 Milk to be replaced with orange juice 小蛋糕过敏替代菜馒头 Small cake allergy substitute vegetable bun 猪肉忌口替代菜不放猪肉 Don't put pork in pork substitute dishes /////////////////// 周二菜谱 早点 牛奶 Milk 花卷 Bread roll 营养鹌鹑蛋 Quail Eggs 午餐 托、小班: 富贵狮子头 Meatballs 桂鱼炖蛋 Fish Stewed Egg 蒜泥小菠菜 Garlic baby spinach 汤soup: 菌菇乳鸽汤 Mushroom and pigeon soup 中、大班: 糖醋排骨 Sweet and sour pork ribs 桂鱼炖蛋 Fish Stewed Egg 蒜泥小菠菜 Garlic baby spinach 汤soup: 菌菇乳鸽汤 Mushroom and pigeon soup 午点/水果 泡泡馄饨 Bubble wonton 千禧 Thousand joy ▶▶▶▶ 特殊儿童菜谱 牛奶忌口替换物橙汁 Milk to be replaced with orange juice 肥胖儿少油少盐 Overweight children: less oil, less salt 桂鱼炖蛋过敏替代菜鸡丁 Mandarin fish stewed egg allergy alternative to diced chicken /////////////////// 周三菜谱 早点 牛奶 Milk 布朗尼切片 brownie slices 红豆吐司片 Red bean toast slices 午餐 洋葱鳝丝 Onion eel 白菜木耳肉糜 Cabbage Fungus Minced Meat 芹菜香干 Celery dried 汤soup: 白萝卜香菇猪骨汤 White radish and mushroom pork bone soup 午点/水果 赤豆小圆子 Adzuki bean dumplings 车厘子 Cherry ▶▶▶▶ 特殊儿童菜谱 牛奶忌口替换物橙汁 Milk to be replaced with orange juice 鳝丝过敏替代菜鸡腿 Eel allergy substitute vegetable drumstick 肥胖儿少油少盐 Overweight children: less oil, less salt /////////////////// 周四菜谱 早点 牛奶 Milk 玉米棒 Corn on the cob 烧麦 dumpling 午餐 香烤凤尾虾 Grilled Anchovy Shrimp 茭白胡萝卜肉丝 Rice White Carrot Shredded Pork 红烧土豆 Braised potatoes 汤soup: 海带冬瓜汤 Seaweed and Melon Soup 水果 砂糖橘 Sugar orange ▶▶▶▶ 特殊儿童菜谱 牛奶忌口替换物橙汁 Milk to be replaced with orange ju 虾过敏替代菜红烧牛肉 Shrimp allergy alternative dish braised beef 肥胖儿少油少盐 Overweight children: less oil, less salt /////////////////// 周五菜谱 早点 牛奶 Milk 饼干 Biscuit 轻乳蛋糕 light custard 午餐 扬州炒饭 Yangzhou fried rice 烤鸡翅 Grilled chicken wings 上汤西兰花 Serve Broccoli 汤soup: 奶油蘑菇汤 Creamy Mushroom Soup 水果 草莓 Strawberry ▶▶▶▶ 特殊儿童菜谱 牛奶忌口替换物橙汁 Milk to be replaced with orange juice 肥胖儿少油少盐 Overweight children: less oil, less salt ///////////////////